Monday, May 12, 2008

Mica Ocampo to Josef Elizalde: "I'm too good of a woman for you. :)"

Boy, is she full angst. I'm posting this "broken" picture again today (like I did in my original Mica Ocampo blog story) because now it's official. Mica Ocampo and Marc Josef Elizalde's relationship is OVER. It's finished. No more MICSEF here. No, sir.

The simple truth is, Josef sort of showed his "true" feelings towards Mica by calling her "Malandi" and ON NATIONAL TV, at that. If that doesn't quell anyone's nerves, I don't know what will. I guess Mica just got fed up. And I can understand that, very well indeed.

So what's next for Josef and Mica? Or should I say, Josef without Mica? Obviously he's going to be very lonely now. I mean, look, he got kicked out of the Big Brother house one second, and then he got dumped by his loving girlfriend the next. How unlucky can one man get?

Anyway, I think I better include a transcript of Mica Ocampo's latest Multiply blog entry, in which she tells the whole world what's become of her relationship with Josef. The short of it is that, there's no relationship anymore. She just wrote their "break up" post. Curious to read Mica's latest blog entry? Well then go ahead and click continue reading.

The title of this blog entry is Yeah, I`m a slut. But I`m the best slut in town.

Mkay, so I obviously stole that line from Maging sino ka man.
But with the countless accusations I`m getting,
I figured that it`s the most suitable title for this entry.

This entry is viewable to everyone.
So I`m sure some asshole`s going to copy paste this entry somewhere.
Anyway, I`ve got 500 plus invitations which I haven`t been approving for various reasons.

First of all, some bitch has been posting my OLD private pictures around.
Yes, I know Murf Martinez.
Yes, he`s my ex.
But I don`t see how that should concern anyone.
After all, he`s part of MY private life.

I mean, come on.
I don`t usually approve people I don`t know.
I made an exception recently cause of Eli.
And cause I wasn`t raised to be rude.

Seriously people.
Didn`t your parents teach you to mind your own business?
I mean, hate me.
I don`t care.
But seriously, one picture doesn`t tell an entire story.
So don`t talk as if you know everything.

And omg, I can`t believe people are making such a big deal about everything.


But whatevs. Jealousy is the most sincere form of flattery.
So go ahead.
Continue to hate me. :)
I have been through A LOOOT.
So this, all this
is nothing to me.
Plus, omg.
You haters are making me feel like Blair or Serena. :)

Doesn`t it suck that no matter what kind of bad shit I read about myself,

Anyway, one more thing.
Since when did the issue of virginity or being "wild" become such a big deal?
I thought society already accepted it.
Oh well. You guys seriously have to broaden your minds.
And btw, I`m 18. So technically, I`m legal to do whatever the hell I please.

Anyway, since the world has been giving me a million reasons to be pissed and stay pissed,
I shall vent.

So, mkay.
I just found last night that Eli called me malandi.
Imagine that.
Well, for me, it`s over regardless of the fact that he`s still in the house and clueless.
To his knowledge, were still together.
I admit I can be maarte at times.
But never malandi.
Plus, look who`s talking.
Ako pa ngayon ang malandi.
Talaga lang ha?

You know, the thing about me is that,
You can`t say shit about me and not expect me to respond.
Ano ako? Nagpapa api?
It`s like, if you slap me in the face,
I`ll slap you twice as hard.

Now do you guys understand why I thought it was better off to break up with him?
Imagine, humiliating your "girlfriend" on national t.v. knowing that the whole freaking country`s watching.


He better learn to keep his mouth shut.
Cause when I start talking,
I`ll REALLY start talking. :)

And Marc Elizalde, tsk.
All I can say is,
I`m too good of a woman for you. :)

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