Monday, April 14, 2008

Nikki Says Gilo Is More Handsome Than Josef

First of all, don't hate me. I'm just moving on, since I've already posted an apology to Mica Ocampo. And honestly, I don't want any more of the hate the fans have so far shown, so let's just stop the war right here and let me continue what I first came here to do - to blog about the latest updates in PBB Teen Edition Plus.

Anyway, teen housemate Nikki was involved in a conversation with the other girls today, where she was asked who she thought was more handsome, Josef or her boyfriend Gilo? Can you guess what her answer was? No more controversy, ok?

Nikki's answer was, of course, that her boyfriend Gilo was more handsome than Josef. The other female housemates had no way to verify if this was true, but I'll leave the judgment to you since I have exclusive pics of Nikki's boyfriend here in the web site somewhere.

She later followed her statement with a comment saying that her boyfriend Gilo was close to her mom, but unfortunately he was leaving to study in London for college. Could this be the reason why Nicole is trying to find comfort in Josef? Maybe she really misses Gilo so much. Yes, that must be the reason.

Via [PBB]

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