Friday, March 28, 2008

Add An "I Heart PBB Teen Edition Plus" To Your Friendster, Multiply, Or Any Other Web Site

At last! I finished my "best" rendition of an I Heart PBB Teen Edition Plus banner, so shut up and don't laugh at my magnum opus. I didn't want to pressure anybody into "working" for me by asking them to make a great banner for PBB Teen Edition Plus fans like you, so I just went ahead and made one myself. Forgive the crudeness, for this was really the best I could do. If you have a grander idea for a banner like this, just hit me up in the comments or send me a quick note via email. But if the design is OK with you then you can go ahead and add it on your Friendster, Multiply, or other web site profile. Here's how.

It's pretty easy. All you have to do is copy the code I'll be giving you and paste it on your web site. I'll show you how in a short numbered how-to.

1. Copy this code:

<a href=""><img src="" align="middle" alt="PBB Teen Edition Plus" /></a><br/>
<small>Like this badge? <a href="">Get your own!</a><br/><a href="">PBB Teen Edition Plus</a></small>

2. Paste it onto any Friendster profile, Multiply page, or web site.

3. Thank me! =)

Remember, if anything goes wrong or if you need further assistance, feel free to harass me by sending me a message. Cheers!

If you like this site, please vote for it in Candy Magazine's Teen Blog Awards 2008. If I win, I promise to end the war in Iraq, feed all the homeless people, water your plants every Sunday morning and take the trash out of your yard. World peace. [Click here to vote for me]