Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Because Of The First Ever Official Marc Josef Elizalde Scandal...

Don't read this if you're an idiot.

... a lot of people are hating on me right now for innocently posting an old video on my Youtube channel and afterwards embedding the damn thing on my web site. Here's what I want to tell everyone about it.

First of all, let me ask you, did you even READ what I WROTE on my previous post with the last video of Josef that I uploaded? If you did, then you wouldn't be hating on me right now, cause why? Because these are the words that I included in that post:

Can someone clear me up on this? Is Josef gay or not?!

I was clearly asking you for your opinions, because I don't want to jump to conclusions and say Josef is gay when I'd like to believe that he's not.

I didn't say that Josef is gay. I was asking a question. I asked, didn't I? You can read, can't you? Then why didn't you see that if you're you smart?

Now to the person who gave me the link to Josef's Multiply page, you know I didn't find those videos from HIS Multiply. I found them somewhere else by myself. And I posted it here for clarification. Well, it was available for everyone else to see anyway, even before I posted them here, so why are you so pissed that I posted it on my site?

I just call things as I see them. And honestly, the "trip" Josef did with his buddy in front of the camera back then, drinking tequila and afterwards biting the lemon out of each other's lips, is something I WOULD NEVER DO PERSONALLY EVEN IF I WAS TOTALLY DRUNK. I don't think any straight guy in their right minds would ever want to be THAT CLOSE to a guy. But still, I'm not saying he's gay. I'd rather have you decide for yourself by watching the videos - they're still there.

And one last thing, I want to give out a final message to the Youtube users commenting on my video from Youtube.




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