Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ejay And Valerie Kilig Moments

Ejay and Val have been becoming very close lately, and here we have them lying in bed together (but not side by side) talking about little things for them to get to know each other better. But they're not exactly on track to becoming a couple (yet) because what they're talking about is actually Ejay's girlfriend who's outside the house. Val is very enthusiastic in asking questions and one might think that she could be jealous but is just trying to hide it. We're not sure what Val really feels for Ejay, but we do know that Ejay has already confessed that he likes Valerie (we have a video coming up courtesy of Mukamo). But if anything's sure, it's that Val and Ejay are still not a couple. Ejay's got a girlfriend outside the house anyway, although I haven't been successful in finding any photos or info of her. I have a video of Valerie and Ejay here, though, containing so-called "kilig" moments that I'm sure ValJay fans are going to enjoy. Continue reading to watch the video.

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