Has it really only been one week? Seven days? One-hundred and sixty-eight hours? I can't believe it. So many things have happened in that very short period of time. I'd like to tell you a story about me for a change, but I doubt if you'd be interested in that so I think I better stick to what's relevant to this web site's content.
In case you were living under a rock for the past week or couple of days, here's what you missed:
Alex Anselmuccio was confirmed to be uncircumcised
We found exclusive pics of Priscilla Navidad with her boyfriend from Ateneo
I found Ejay Falcon's "real" Friendster account
And finally, I found rare pics of Beauty Gonzalez, Rona Marie Libby, and the crowd-favorite, Robert Marion Domingo
And oh yeah, I have rare pics of Nicole Kim Uysiuseng and her sexy supermodel cousin, Jamie Diago
Feel free to read up on the things that you've missed. And when you're done don't forget to log back on to this page OK?