Sunday, May 4, 2008

PBB Teen Edition Plus May 3 Episode Now Available, With Updates

Long time no see? PBB Teen Edition Plus May 3 episode is now up on my other web site, PBB Insider Videos. I'm sorry I couldn't make a playlist version, but the current set up still makes it pretty convenient to locate the next video since you no longer have to do a search, unlike with what happens if you watch it on Youtube. So anyway, just head on over to my video site to watch the latest episode. And guys, if you have any questions, concerns, comments, and especially requests, please don't use the chatbox to say it. Just drop a comment here, on any of my videos, or send me an email via this web site's contact form (it's up there in the middle of the navigation bar). I'm low on time and have a lot of projects right now, that's why I've been slow to update this site. But I'm still around. Just nudge me if you need anything. Later.

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