Wednesday, February 27, 2008

All About Kevin Brendan Garcia Flood [PBB Teen Edition Plus Housemates]

Full Name: Kevin Brendan Garcia Flood
Nickname: Kev/Kevin
Origin: Madrid, Spain
Age: 18
Birth date: Feb 21, 1990
Height: 6'2”
Nationality: Spanish
School: Ies Marquez de Santiccana
Favorite Cartoon Character: Bugs Bunny
Favorite Subject: Sports
Favorite sport: horse riding
Favorite summer/vacation destination: Alicante, Spain
Hobbies/Interests: Soccer, horse riding

The Spanish Stallion

Kevin lives up to PBB’s “Dream Big” tagline. Unlike other teens his age, Kevin spends more time with horses than going out with friends. This is because he has his eyes set on making it big in the Olympics, and has been preparing for it for a long time now. He looks up to Brazilian equestrian Rodrigo Pessoa, the youngest show jumping world champion and winner of both the Olympics and World Cup, and Kevin dreams to follow in his idol’s footsteps. Although his parents are separated, he still manages to make the most of what is given him as they make ends meet to support his dream. He lives with his mom and two brothers and squeezes time with his dad’s family on weekends. His dad trained him on horses, and it is this passion that remains their strongest bond.

Kevin looks forward to meeting his paternal relatives in Iloilo soon, and to continue exploring what Manila has to offer. To show how in tune he is with his roots, his future horse already has a name: Manila. So far, he has visited Intramuros and shopped in Greenhills but for the meantime, though, these big plans are on temporary hold as he enters the PBB house. He looks forward to meeting the other housemates and, as he generally gets along with different people, has no qualms about the variety of personalities. Will his athletic background serve him well in performing Kuya’s tasks? What other opportunities will offer themselves to this mestizo equestrian?

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